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The Global Politics
At the Vanguard of free thinking

A Fractured Global Order – The US, Russia, and the UN Vote on Ukraine
Chief Editor- Srishti Shankar Pandey The recent vote at the United Nations, in which the United States and Russia stood together in...

Populism’s Tight Grip: Will India’s Democracy Survive the Surge?
Chief Editor- Srishti Shankar Pandey I n the past decade, the world has witnessed a surge of populist leaders and movements that have...

It's not about the headscarf anymore, but the regime's survival
Despite the brutal crackdown on protests, resentment at the government continues to simmer. The issue has moved beyond the hijab, said...

Iran's leaders debate what to do next!
In Iran, the hijab law has typically been enforced by the so-called morality police. They would stop women in the streets, detain them...

The woman of Iran are not backing down
TEHRAN, Iran – You see it as soon as you land at the airport: posters telling women to keep their headscarves on. They're everywhere in...

The fate of the Commonwealth after Queen Elizabeth’s death
Queen Elizabeth II’s 70-year reign was bookended by periods of great uncertainty about Britain’s role on the world stage. The queen, who...

Editorial - The Permanent Pandemic
It’s been almost 15 months since for the first time India went under a national lockdown, in March 2020, to control the spread of...

Seldom in history, there occurs a natural experiment that allows posterity to draw timeless lessons on political discourse, governance...

‘Hind,Hindu, Hindutva’ How Hindutva Became a Political Weapon in India.
‘Hind,Hindu, Hindutva’ How Hindutva Became a Political Weapon in India. As an ideology, Hindu nationalism is not even 100 years old—but...

Covid19 – The Global Nemesis
Vladimir Lenin, in the wake of the Russian revolution, had famously said that ‘there are decades when nothing happens, and then there...

Secularism in India: an endangered species?
Secularism in India: an endangered species? ‘Anekta main hi ekta hai’ (Unity in Diversity), as a rhetorical political trope and a proxy...
The election of Donald Trump in the US, vote for Brexit, and beef eating related lynchings' in India; the transnational specter of...
Where are we now?
Where are we now? From Samuel Huntington’s prognosis of a ‘clash of civilizations’ to Francis Fukuyama’s foreboding of an ‘end of...
Best of Times, Worst of Times....
‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring...
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