Secularism in India: an endangered species? ‘Anekta main hi ekta hai’ (Unity in Diversity), as a rhetorical political trope and a proxy of secularism, has been adorning the verbal quivers of politicians for the past seven decades. Even when all other tropes disappointed, it held them in good stead through war and peace, recession and boom, trial and triumph. ‘Anekta main hi ekta hai’ could be safely relied upon to comfort the Indian multitude of their mythical greatness in not only tolerating but celebrating distinctness, without discrimination. However, under the current dispensation, the secular edifice of the country is under severe strain. Further, what good the ‘Anekta…’ trope be, if the foundation of secularism unravels. While facts and figures about the atrocities against minorities would suffice to establish that there is a problem, how would one quantify: fear, danger, and desperation? It wasn’t exactly a secular ‘Ram- Rajya’ before Modi came to power in 2014; in fact, it can be argued were it not for the nefarious follies of successive Congress governments that ranged from Shah Bano case to Babri Masjid demolition, India wouldn’t have been in for a Hindutva brigade in its most vicious avatar. But it still was inconceivable that within five years of a government, the grand democratic secular project that began in 1947 would be under threat. Be it Congress or the BJP, we the partisans of free press not only stand in permanent opposition to the government of the day, but start our investigation with a presumption of guilt. It’s with this spirit we bring to you an issue of ‘The Global Politics’ that won’t shirk from its duty of holding those in power accountable. Secularism is still an ideal worth fighting, no matter how endangered it maybe. As Churchill said about democracy, it’s the worst form of government, except for all the others tried. We believe the same about Secularism, it’s the only palatable form of ‘ism’ that provides more than it divides, includes more than it excludes.